January 5, 2009

I dream of Maui!

Okay, not much of the above test is accurate about me! It was a little humorous though! Troy would tell you I like to get worked up, I like a good "cause". One thing is certain though, I do dream of Maui! It is my ideal warm place and having visited there last year, I can't wait to get back. We have a Mt. Olympus water jug at our house-it's our Maui money! Every time I find money in the laundry or just lying around the house, it goes in the Maui Money Bank. In fact our kid's friends have dropped a coin or two in! It has become quite popular. Not in terms of money, they just think we're nuts! We started our Maui Money saving in September and since Max is obsessed with money, Max and Troy and I took it out last week and counted it. We aren't quite there yet-to Maui I mean. Our fund is just over $109. But it will happen! At any rate, aren't your dying for flip flop weather about now? What kind of flip flop are you?


Kristen and Co. said...

Too funny. I'm usually cold and bundled up through the winter(especially my feet!), but I was wearing my flip flops as I read this. Tropical islands sound quite nice right about now. I think I'll start my Maui jar today. Hey! You need to change the link from my old blog to the new one.
Think warm thoughts...

Perschon Family said...

Can I PLEASE come to Maui with you?!? I'm dying over here with all this sickness and no warm sun! I NEED SOME DANG SUN! Hey...if we can't go to Maui do you want to go to the tanning beds with me and we can pretend we're on the beach?

Anonymous said...

Hey Brakey's! Long time no talk! Lets all go to Maui! We miss you guys....