May 27, 2008

"Throwin' Fire"

Our future "Big Leaguer"! Alex's team has done really well this season. Right now they are in 1st place. If they can keep on winning, they will likely get to represent Riverton at AllStars. Words can not adequately express how proud we are of him.
So, we have made some fantastic friends over the years. A good number of them have been through baseball, football or basketball. This picture was taken by one such friend who's camera is WAY better than mine! I will be eternally grateful to all the moms and dads who take pictures of my kids. It's not that I don't want to take pictures. I try, even with my crappy camera. I just get so wrapped up in the event that I couldn't possibly cheer my best or better still, heckle the officials!

May 1, 2008


So Max finally started loosing his teeth. Too bad it as started happening all at once!

I threw in the baseball picture because this year has been so fun to watch him. His favorite part is "being walked and steeling bases!"