October 30, 2007


Kaiti and Max begged to carve pumpkins. It wasn't long, however, before it lost it's lauster. Max gagged a few times! He's not real big on yucky stuff on his hands! Kaiti just lost interest. So we only completed two of the five pumpkins, Alex thinks he is too big to do it! We, I mean I thought you'd like to see their, I mean MY pumpkins!

October 17, 2007


If you aren't familiar with Pokemon, this costume won't mean as much to you! More importantly, if you didn't already know that I am not super domestic, this costume and the sewing involved is a huge feat! Guess how much it cost us? $9! Yep, gotta love D.I.!

October 1, 2007

Kaiti is our computer prodigy. She has figured out how to make movie montages~set to music and everything. I know what you're thinking, maybe it's not that hard, but for an almost 12 year old, We think she's pretty cool! We have already had to remind her she is eleven going on 12 not 16. And it's just a matter of time before the boys start coming around. She's quite the social butterfly. She loves the group My Chemical Romance, and is currently reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Way above her grade level! In May her Dance team took first at National's West at Lagoon!

So everyone tells us Alex looks like Zac Efron (High School Musical). While I think Zac is cute, I think my Alex is cuter! But Alex loves the attention it gets him!

October 1st

This is my primitive attempt to join the real world of technology without the help of my kids. They usually have to do everything for me, including turn on my cell phone. So this is HUGE for me!!!
We are incredibly proud of our little Max. He has an uncanny ability to pick the best poses. Today while cleaning out the car, I found a cheetos bag, curious as to what was in it, I took a whiff, only to find my worst nightmare. Evidently, while at football practice with Dad and Alex, he had to pee and the park didn't offer adequate facilities. He opted for the cheetos bag. GOOD PICK.