September 26, 2008

How cute is my Kaiti!?!

I found this "self take" in the camera! If I'm not mistaken, she went to great lengths to make it into the glamour shot it is! I love her! Lately we can't seem to see eye to eye. Troy says it's because we are too much alike. Maybe! I think it's safe to say we are both stubborn, opinionated, and determined. She is absolutely loving Jr. High. It would seem that she is really starting to find herself and I love that Alex is actually seeing her as a person, a cool person to hang out with, rather than just her sister! Best of all, she is truly very kind to the little kids. When Ali and Brendan spent the night with us, she was great with them and I think Ali loves her to death.

This is why the Ladies love him!

Okay, some of our best friends bring out the very best in us. That would be the case with Bobby. He's just a little guy, but he is HUGE in personality! Sometimes when the two of them get together it's trouble. This is just one example of the funny things they do!

Catching up!

At the start of the summer, Troy and Max planted some seeds. It was a nice little afternoon for Max with his Dad. Troy gets spread pretty thin between work and whatever sports season it is so this was a great activity they could enjoy together. These are their sunflowers! The backyard ones turned out beautifully. The front yard ones, well, they needed some to the garbage can. Max wasn't happy with me when he came home from school to find them gone.

Max is very excited about being a cub scout! He earned his Bobcat already and a computer belt loop! I'm glad he likes it and is really excited about participating. When Alex was a Cub Scout, I felt so much pressure to get him to earn stuff, it became a nightmare for both of us and I decided I would be happy never to earn another badge, belt loop, arrow point or whatever they could come up with again! But Max loves it and maybe this is just his "thing". Life would not be the same without his best friend Bo! They are the best of friends. I was going to say they are "two peas in a pod" but that would be one messed up pod! Bo is easily a foot taller than Max! I sure hope my boy starts to grow soon!

This is Max on his special day. Somehow, Max didn't know that he should hold his breath when he was being baptized! He came up gasping! In all confusion his hand came up so he had to be dunked again. I was worried that he was going to say, "No way!" If you know Max, he is well, how do you say it...sensitive. But he endured it again and while they were changing, he said, "Dad, I just can't believe how good I feel!"