June 27, 2009


Okay so Max had a little collision at school last week, nothing serious. But I have to say it is a little disconcerting when the school calls and leaves a message like this, "Hi, this is Foothills Elementary. We're calling because Max had a little accident at recess today. He's okay but he's laying down in the office. We are required to call you when there's a head injury involved. Anyway, he's okay and we'll send him back to class." HEAD INJURY?!?!?!

Max has had the best teacher at the entire school, Mrs. Ault, so I know she would have called me personally if it had been serious. Still, I can't help wondering why we fill out those information sheets at the beginning of the school year-you know the ones, they have your cell phone number on them-more than once!

It wasn't anything serious, a pretty good black eye. I wanted to call him 'Bruiser' but we settled on 'E.E'. Imgaine my little Max's thought process...black eyes are like bruisers which are like shiners, which are like goose eggs, that are like Easter Eggs and since that is just too long to say, it's E.E.

This is Day 3 Road to Recovery!


Janalynn said...

Are You Kidding? Wow! I get called for a little cough, but this is totally worth a cell phone call! Do I see a little proud smile on his face? Hope atleast the other kid was serious enough to have gotten the cell phone call:)!

Joy & Casey said...

SERIOUSLY???? Ya-maybe we need to all highlight our cell phone #s on that paper or write it in a bold sharpie. Duh! He needs to come up with a killer story for his EE! ;) You guys make me laugh!