February 18, 2009

Brakey Family Fun Night: Part Deux -Punishing Your Teen

I'm not really sure when I lost control, but clearly I have. It all started when Alex asked if the plastic wrap was expensive. Not sure what he was getting at I said it wasn't. Before I knew it, he and Kaiti had started to wrap themselves in it! Troy could see that this was as opportunity to have a little fun! So he got out the tape and made head bands. It was all "fun and games" until Kaiti body slammed Max. Max was clearly upset and didn't want to play any more so he started to take the wrap off, and someone pulled on the taped headband. Out came a chunk of hair.

Then there is this game. I'm not sure what it is, some kind of Karate Choppers game. I have no idea. I'm just the family photographer who gets it all recorded. Do we know how to have a good time or what? This is why I relish Mondays! Everyone is back to school and these good times are at an end for another few days!


Janalynn said...

oh what a roll of suran wrap can do!! Why do we spend so much on our children with all these expensive things, when all we need is a bit of house hold products and imangination! I think next time my kids say they are bord, I'll hand over the suran wrap! Thanks for the laugh and idea!

The Grant Family said...

I was just about to call the kids over to look at your blog and show them what you guys did and then I stopped short. Uhhhh.....do I want that to happen at my house right as Ryan is going down for a nap? Hmmmm.....we'll wait til he gets up! Looks like fun!

Perschon Family said...

i love it! you guys really do know how to have a good time! it reminds me of the good ol days when my sisters and i would tape our faces so we couldn't change our facial expressions. we thought we were so funny. good times!

Tycksen Family said...

What a fun night!! It just cracked me up...good job documenting it Julie :)!

Joy & Casey said...

I have been totally laughing about this since I saw this on FB! Infact I got out my Saran Wrap yesterday and thought of you...I should wrap up all of my kids!!! :)