December 10, 2008

My Christmas Miracle!!

Are you kidding me! What a huge relief this Christmas! Gone-for now, are the days of filling up my "Lean, Mean, Green Machine" at $100 a pop! Today I filled up at Smith's, used my FreshValues discount and paid $1.30/gallon. For a grand total of $31! What a savings! What am I going to do with my extra cash? Are you kidding? Mama's gettin' a new pair of shoes!
BTW, I did see on the news that our Smith's has the lowest price on gas right now state wide! Take advantage! Use your FreshValues card and get it while the gettin's good!


Kristen and Co. said...

I remember paying around $1/gallon through High School. Nothing like reliving your childhood! Love it!

Tammy said...

AMEN, Sista!! I am loving it!! Brian has 2 work vehicles that he fills up 1-2 times per week each!! Tell me how fun $100 bucks times 3 or 4 fill-ups per week was!!! Our fuel bill was way more than our mortgage payment per month back in the summer.

Perschon Family said...

yes, yea, and yes!!we filled up for $18.89 last night! WHAT???? that was cheaper than when we bought the car 5 years ago! holy cow! it has tricked me into wanting an suv again! and then once we buy one the price will go back up! i need to call you about a particular house near you!

Tycksen Family said...

Hey I have some cards for you!!