March 23, 2009

What I've Been Up To!

So it feels like forever since I posted last. I have to admit I was getting the DT's! But I'm better now and wanted to post a little of what I've been up to! This may be one of the longest post I have ever done-stay with me! Here's hoping you don't get bored!
Max and I flew to Seattle to see my nephew be baptized. This was a "Just me and Max" trip. With so many events over the next couple weeks I am way poor and will now have to work all my scheduled hours!!!! That rarely happens, but teenagers are expensive! So Max got the first trip to see his cousin Brendan be baptized. I had never been to the north west and I have to say that is truly one of the most beautiful places-even in the winter, that I have ever been to. The trees were amazing. They were just everywhere. It was almost as if the roads and streets were out of place. But here are some fun pics of our trip!

Here's me and my little brothers, Brian and Todd. I love them dearly, I just wish I didn't feel like a huge amazon woman when I stand next to them. I did have on heels which explains my height in this picture, but I have to say I look really, umm, big boned! Not a very flattering picture!

Max and Brendan-they are best buds! Max was so excited to see him. They had so much fun together.

Max and Grant. Max loved little Grant. Several weeks ago he asked me why we don't have anymore babies. I'm too old and shriveled up, that's why!

Uncle Todd and Max were Chugging with a little train-that you can't see, it's behind Max. It made me happy to see Toddy interact with Max, we don't get to see them very often!

Brendan doesn't think Max is going fast enough, but Ava and Eliza seem content!

I love this picture! It turned out pretty cool, mostly by accident. Brian tried to teach me how to use my new camera, I'm just not getting it! I think I'll have to take a class! But this is cute Ali! She loves me and I love her! Thanks for sharing your bed with me Ali!

Several of the pictures I took of Max were of this pose! I pretty sure he thinks he is the king of the world! I love it!

Ali is quite certain she is not going to be outdone by the boys. I love the determination on her face, or is that fear!?!?!

The coolest Fort


Behunin Family said...

Ah, cute picture of Grant and Max! It was fun to see you guys- and you're getting good with that camera of yours! :)

Perschon Family said...

I love that you did a long post! Now I'm not the only one! It looks like you and Max had a fun trip! You've been so busy lately! how fun!!! And I love the picture of you and your brothers! you cracked me up with your comments that you looked like an amazon woman! don't! you are a hottie! oh and good luck gettin rid of the dog! my boys want one so bad and I DON"T!!!!

Janalynn said...

You Look Good! I would of never recognized Brian. Tood looks the same but older. You look great next to them.