December 3, 2008

What we'll do different next year!

There is, we decided a great skill in cutting down your own Christmas tree. Not all trees should be considered worthy! Here's some tips, just in case you decide that a "Griswald Christmas" sounds fun!

1. SCOUT OUT THE TREE! We couldn't figure out why other people were leaving with such beatiful trees. Where were they finding them? 'Cause we weren't seeing them! We figure they must have camped up there at Christmas Meadows in the Uintahs this summer and "marked" their tree.

2. Snow boots are REQUIRED! My feet were frozen. Kaiti refused to buy snow boots (that's a whole other story) and since I'm a nice mom, I let her wear mine. Instead I wore some, umm, "fashion forward" boots that were not at all warm and didn't offer and hiking help!

3. Two-way radios save lives! There is no cell service up there! On the way back home, our Expedition was stuck in 4-wheel drive low. If your not sure why that's a problem, don't's a little education! You can only drive about 20 mph in 4 wheel drive low. After a prayer or two (actually Max and Jaxon were arguing about how many times we prayed) we were finally able to get it into regular drive mode, but not before Shawn and Raeshel left us in the dust! They were half way home before they realized we weren't behind them. So they started back to find us and we were finally within two-way radio distance to get their attention!

4. We didn't have them, but chains would have been nice. Lots of black ice!

5. XANAX or some other such drug!!!! I don't really travel well so perhaps you wouldn't need this, but I would have given my right eye for one! I was waaaay too stressed!

6. Pick a tree with large, strong branches. While the tree we picked had a great shape, it's pretty wimpy and can't hold up any ornaments.


Kristen and Co. said...

How fun! I've always wanted to try cutting my own tree...and now I can because of your very helpful suggestions. Especially the two way radio one. And the boots. :)Have a jolly one!

Tammy said...

You are too funny! I love the Xanax comment! You will have to give me more details of your parenting woes. I know I should probably not complain so much about my kids because they are still young and don't have real issues yet, but they are such BRATS!!! I do love them more than anything though.....seriously. :) Maybe if I had spaced them a little better, they wouldn't fight so much and I wouldn't be so sleep deprived and I wouldn't still be changing diapers on 2 kids??? I don't think that most people have 3 kids in less than 4 years. I think I must be crazy, but no one is arguing that point. Anyway, thanks for helping put things into perspective for me. I should enjoy the time while they are little, because (apparently) it is only going to get worse. :)