December 3, 2008

A Very "Griswald" Christmas!

This year we thought, "Hey, Clark Griswald was on to something! Let's cut down our own tree!" Our good friends, the Hortins invited us up to their house in Hoytsville Friday night and then early Saturday morning we headed out to cut down our tree. We spent the night playing games and watching "Elf"-I love that show! Here's a few pics of our Christmas fun!


Kaiti figured out the lower portion of "Rhythm and Soul" at least I think that's what it's called. I just remember playing it all the time with my sister growing up so it was a lot of fun to play it with Kaiti!

Yes, I made those pancakes! I didn't make the batter, but I can flip them like nobody's business! It's probably one of my few cooking skills!

This should have been our first clue! Just as we were coming up on the lodge at Christmas Meadows to purchase our permit, we ran into a HUGE accident. I have never seen black ice before, but this was definately it! Cars were all over the place. There was a motor home that looked like it was just about to tip over, car pieces everywhere. It was a little scary.

Trees are very deceiving before they are cut down! This is our tree that I swear angels sang, "PICK THIS ONE!" It's a little, well, "Charlie Brown" if you ask me. But we sure had fun!

Max and I needed to defrost, so we took this picture of ourselves trying to be in the Christmas spirit!

Not sure why he felt like he should lay down next to it. All I could think of was this was our first "kill"!

1 comment:

Perschon Family said...

wow that was quite the adventure!!!! it looks like so much fun aside from being freezing cold! (that is hilarious to me that Kaiti wouldn't buy boots! you're such a nice mom to share!) we always cut our tree growing up and we had a few "charley Brown" trees ourselves! i think it is lovely and the experience behind it makes it all the better! i love those ornaments you found! and i would've been stressed too with the road conditions! i have a hard time even driving on the freeway!