October 9, 2008


We are very easily entertained at our house. It really doesn't take much to get us going. The other day, I noticed a Katydid out on the back rail. The kids were fascinated and much to my dismay, Max brought it in the house. He took the katydid on a full tour including our room, Alex's room, Kaiti's room and of course his own. He named him Bob. He wanted to keep him forever. Then suddenly, the katydid flew off his arm. This sent us all into a panic. Freaked out, we couldn't find Bob. I was trying to be nice, but I have to say, the thought of Bob crawling on me during my sleep was making me nervous. After a little chasing, laughing and a few tears (of mine) we found him. I told Max he would need to set him free in the back yard. Fortunately, Max was as wigged out as I was with the thing flying all over and it wasn't much of a fight. But I thought I'd share the pics of Bob for your Halloween enjoyment!


Tycksen Family said...

Never knew what those were called. Now I do. They are cool looking..Bob is a great name. Now, you can talk about him..."What about BOB?" :)

Perschon Family said...

oh my gosh! can you get a leash for that Bob?!? that is hilarious and i am smiling just thinking about the chaos of finding him!