July 23, 2011

Back to blogging!

Hello....Hello? Is anyone out there? I can't believe it's been almost a year since I last blogged. The shakes and tremors from withdrawals have long since passed. I am happy to report, all is well. Well, mostly! This year has brought a few bumps in the road but we have come out of it mostly unscathed and better for it.

Alex is entering his senior year of high school. Can you believe it? Do I look like I could have an 18 year old? I sure hope not. Even more exciting, a year from now he will be submitting his papers for a mission. Yikes! That's even more crazy. He has worked hard this summer for the Canyons School District mowing lawns and just got his first pay check. I am so proud of him. Working 40 hours a week is not an easy task, I hate it! But he has done well to get up and fix his lunch and get off to work every day.

Kaitibug starts high school in a month. I love watching her! I love watching the beautiful young woman she is becoming. So compassionate-when she wants to be! She has been a HUGE help to me with housework and yard work. She's not quite old enough to have a job but willing to earn her keep around the house most days. She will be a licensed driver soon. Yeah, super scary. She knows she gets the truck to drive after Alex leaves on his mission. It's a reliable old thing, not the cutest. She has decided to call her "ol Bessie".

Max starts 6th grade on Tuesday. He has our family favorite teacher, Mr. Welker. He is very excited. last fall he failed the school eye exam. I finally took him to be checked and sure enough, he needed glasses. We picked up his glasses yesterday. It's amazing how vivid the world is when you can actually see it! I know from experience! He loves the glasses. Let's hope it lasts!

If you follow me on Facebook, you know we took a family cruise. It was so much fun to have our kids for a full week without cell phones. Though we were all glad to get home and reconnect with friends!

I am making a personal goal to blog more over the next while. My kids certainly do have big life events coming and since this has been my only real journal for more than 8 years, I will need to keep it updated! So if your still out there fellow bloggers, look for more regular posts!

August 31, 2010

What we've been up to....Summer pics!

Wow, it's been awhile! Let me try and get you up to speed! First, we've had a need to go private. Creepy people have left comments as well as some weird requests that I can only assume are finding us via Facebook, so with that in mind, we're going private!

I went to my 20 year High School Reunion! Super fun, glad I went, loved seeing my friends, hated feeling like I was back in High School again!

Alex is staying pretty busy. With football, his new job at Smith's and of course, his "lady friends", he doesn't have much time for us anymore! We were super proud of the Hillcrest Huskies victory of the new Herriman High! A little bit torn, since that is our team too! Alex rolled his ankle last week so he didn't get to play in the Murray game. Huge bummer! But he's ready for the Lehi Pioneers this week!

Kaiti, beautiful Kaiti has been busy too. We went to Girls Camp at the first of the month...good times! I think she likes it better when it doesn't rain! She's super excited to be a "freshman" this year and is staying busy with dance. She dances 3 nights a week, some as a teacher's assistant, and then her own dance classes. She getting really good and will hopefully feel ready to tryout for the Dance company at the high school next year!

What can I say about Max?!? Our comic relief! I had to take him to the doctor this morning. He was laying on the examing bed. It was evidently pretty comfortable because he asked, "What is this made out of....heaven?" This year he has really come into his own with football. He plays defense and I have been so impressed. He has turned into a tough little defensive machine! He 'z-down' to play with kids his own size. He's the oldest on his team. But this year he'll be a standout and get to play! I sure hope he starts growing though!

Troy starts Fall semester tonight...uggh! He only has a couple more. We know it will be worth it but it sure is hard! He does his best to get to Max's practice to coach and to Alex's football games. Who knew being a parent would be this hard?

I am taking on more responsibility at work. I was appointed to the Quality of Work Life Committee Chair. That means meetings and travel! I'm okay with the travel, the meetings, well I guess as long as they are paying me! I did get a nice raise! Hooray, now maybe I can afford the lifestyle my kids think they deserve!

All is well at the Brakey house. Busy is the norm, wouldn't have it any other way! Below are some of my favorite pics of the summer!

Trying to stay warm at Lagoon!

Hoping one day I'll take a picture that I can stand to look at later-I'm just not photogenic!

Look out! She's turning 15 and can't wait for the learner's permit!

My 5k Race this year in Henefer...I talked Alex, McKay, Tyson and Wade into running it too!

Troy and Max went for a ride to the "H" in Henefer! Max loved the go cart!
We worked hard and played harder!

Max and Kambrie!

The Stud!

Good times at Youth Conference!

Bobbie and Alex's "Blue Steal" look

Cute Kaitibug!
Kaiti and Megan-Megan wanted a nice pic of her hair blowing in the wind!